Monday, August 22, 2011

Day Five - "There better be a moose, with puffins on its antlers, eating lobster and surfing with a whale at the end of this road"

We awoke this morning to rain, and fog, and then more rain. We end today with rain, and fog, and then more rain. Despite the damp weather conditions, we have managed to make a full day of it.

Our first stop was a drive through Saint John, New Brunswick's most populous city. There is a great deal of industry here. It is also home to the "reversing falls;" however, we did not catch the tide shift at a spectacular time. Our pictures just look like shots of water. Saint John is also home to a gang of wild elderly who seem to enjoy racing their wheelchairs though the busy city streets. Seriously, we saw at least three.

After pulling out of Saint John, we tracked along the suggested Fundy Scenic Route... it did not greatly deliver (hence the title of today's post). This was our view for most of the way:

As we ran along back roads with nothing to see, we began to up the criteria for what would make this drive worth the time and gasoline. Needless to say the mythical surfing moose never arrived, but we did find some things worth taking a picture of.

The next village to appear on our route was St. Martins. We had come to drive the Fundy Trail and hopefully do some hiking, but the weather put a damper on those plans. Still, We were able to see the huge effects of the Bay of Fundy's tidal changes, enjoyed a delightful bowl of seafood chowder at a bayside stop and trekked out to some caves just in time for another cloudburst.

St. Martins is also, allegedly, the only place IN THE WORLD where you can see two covered bridges AND a lighthouse all in one shot.

We decided to take our own route out of St. Martin. Armed only with the tourism map and a GPS that did now want to recognize New Brunswick, we took off. As things normally go for us, we were soon off the pavement, in the gravel and mud, and off the grid on some Canadian logging roads that apparently double as county roads (Now moms, before you freak out, please realize that we must have survived or this post would not be happening right now).

Our stop for the night is in Fundy National Park near Alma, NB. The sun is suppose to return tomorrow and we plan to take the morning to enjoy the kayak and hiking options in the park. For now, we are hiding out from the rain at a little coffee shop here in town. The snack and coffee drinks were good, the free wi-fi has been even better.

Just another day on the road. We've already begun to forget what day it is, so that is a good sign that we are heading full on into vacation mode. More to come! See you all soon!!

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